- Alla teleskop / stjärnkikare
- Monteringar
- Okular
- Diagonaler
- Sökare/polsökare
- Barlowlinser
- Teleskoptillbehör
- Filter
- Astrofotografering
- Astro Engineering
- Galaktiska smycken
- Mikroskop
- Förstoringsglas
Video hjälpcenter
Dags att använda din nya kikare
Här får du lite fina tips om hur du får ut det bästa av din nya kikare. Observera att alla klipp är på engelska!

Getting the best from your new binocular
Be sure to watch this video if you've just received a new binocular.
Kom igång med astronomi
Här hittar du all info du behöver för att komma igång med astronomi som hobby, från grunderna i att observera natthimlen med kikare eller blotta ögat till praktiska tips om hur du ställer in ditt nya teleskop. Observera att alla klipp är på engelska!

A round up of the essentials needed to get the most out of stargazing, from naked eye observing to binocular astronomy and your first telescope.

Using the Philip's Planisphere
This full video tutorial shows you how to use the Philip's Planisphere to find stars, constellations and planets.

Getting started with your new astronomy telescope
Explains the essentials of setting up your new telescope and the importance of aligning the finder correctly.

We explain why the image viewed in a telescope designed for astronomical viewing always looks upside down or flipped left to right.

Observing planets: getting the best views
Advice on how to optimise image quality when observing solar system targets with any telescope. And a warning about 'indoor astronomy'!

Setting up a small German equatorial mount
We show you the basics of how to set up a small German equatorial telescope mount.

Here we discuss the scale problem with setting circles and suggest an easier way to find targets in the night sky.

Fitting the RA drive motor to the EQ1 mount
Here we demonstrate the method of fitting a battery and installing the accessory motor drive on to the EQ1 mount.

Fitting the RA drive motor to the EQ2 mount
Here we demonstrate the method of fitting a battery and installing the accessory motor drive on to the EQ2 mount.
Få mesta möjliga ut av ditt teleskop
Här får du praktiska och lättfattliga tips på massor av sätt att uppnå bästa möjliga resultat med ditt teleskop - från hur man uppgraderar sina okular och använder Barlowlinser, filter och andra tillbehör till hur man ställer in och servar sitt teleskop. Observera att alla klipp är på engelska!

Sky-Watcher Heritage-90P Virtuoso
An introduction to the Sky-Watcher Heritage-90P Virtuoso telescope.

The Bresser Solarix 76/350 Newtonian telescope
A general guide to the Bresser Solarix with tips to improve performance and a demonstration of the telescope in action photographing the sun with the included solar filter and smartphone holder.

The human eye - a user guide for astronomers
Advice on getting the best out of the astronomer's most important tool - the eye.

Upgrading your eyepieces - The first step
Advice to help you improve the views through your telescope.

Collimating your reflecting Telescope in just a few minutes
We show you how to collimate a Newtonian reflecting telescope using a laser collimater.

Upgrading your eyepieces - Extending the range
Advice on selecting eyepieces for viewing comfort and for improved views of specific targets.

Using Barlow lenses with your telescope
This video explains the different types of Barlow lenses available and their uses.

Astrophotography with German Equatorial Mounts
Getting started in astro-photography using a an equatorially mounted telescope

Attaching an SLR camera to your Newtonian Telescope
This video shows you how to solve the difficulties encountered attaching a DSLR camera to a Newtonian telescope.

Safe Solar Observation (Accessories)
The video shows you the filters and other accessories you need to observe the sun safely.

Binocular Viewing VS The Single Eye
This video explores the advantages of using a binocular eyepiece holder so that both eyes can be used with your telescope.